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Ezekiel's Horse
"There is probably no better imagery of the miraculous than images of animals, or, as St. Francis would call them, brother and sister horse, bird, cat, and so forth. I know of no other fine-art photographer in photography's history who has given animals the attention Keith Carter has. There are horses, dogs, birds, raccoons, deer, turtles, pigs, alligators, lizards, snakes, cats, crabs, mice, fireflies, and other bugs in his work."

John Wood

Appaloosa 1997
Caballos Blancos 1998
Connemara Pony 1996
Equestrienne 1997
Bella 1998
Ezekiel's Horse 1995
Constellation 1998
Left Light 1999
Stone Wall 1997
Birdcage 1997
Tuscan Stable 1998
Skye Ponies 1998
Horse & Wolf 1998
Rubenesque 1999
Spirited 1998
Map of the World 1998
Keith Carter Photographs
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